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Published | Parrésia - Ročenka pro východní křesťanství

Series Pro Oriente

Nebeský žebřík

Ióannés Klimakos
Translated by Alena Sarkissian

The Ladder of Divine Ascent, or Ladder of Paradise (Scala or Climax Paradisi), is an important ascetical treatise for monasticism in Eastern Christianity written by John Climacus in ca. AD 600 at the request of John, Abbot of Raithu, a monastery situated on the shores of the Red Sea.

The current Czech translation is the first ever and includes also an introductory study and hagiography of John Climacus written by monk Daniel of Raithu.

LanguageCzech (English summary)
Product dimensions145 x 210 mm
EdiceByzantine library, volume 4

Alena Sarkissian (b. 1979) is a researcher at the division of Classics of the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences, as well as working at the Department of Theatrical Science at the Philosophical Faculty of Charles University. Her interests include ancient drama and theatre and their later reception, post-antiquity theories of theatre, modern theatre, and the history of the staging of ancient plays, particularly in the Czech lands. She is too author of the book Ať múzy promluví. Tři byzantská kvazidramata, released in 2012.

Series Pro Oriente

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