Current issue

Parrésia XVII (2023)
A Journal of Eastern Christian Studies
Michal Řoutil, Pavel Milko (eds.)
The new issue of the Journal Parrésia offers – in addition to a number of other articles – special feature 1923: The End of Christians in Asia Minor.
Steven Leonard Jacobs, Lemkin on Three Genocides: Comparing His Writings on the Armenian, Assyrian, and Greek Genocides (Czech translation by M. Řoutil)
Michal Řoutil, The Devil Hides in the Numbers: The Killing of Christians in Asia Minor in 1914-1923 from a Statistical Perspective
Tessa Hofmann, Syriac Narratives on the Ottoman Genocide in Comparative Perspective (Czech translation by D. Michnová)
Michal Řoutil, Petra Košťálová, Jacques Rhétoré (1841–1921): A French Dominican and his testimony about the massacre of Christians in Mardin and its surroundings in 1915
Petra Košťálová, Armenian Genocide Through Eyes of Vlasta Kálalová di-Lotti: Lost Memories
Eliška Vrbová – Lukáš de la Vega Nosek, The theology of the image of Theodore Abu Qurrah (755–830): The formal and thematic presentation of the treatise Fī ikrām al-aykūnāt
Lubomíra Havlíková, Blue blood of Byzantine origin? About the Byzantine, Greek and Italian origin and vestiges of the aristocratic houses in the Czech lands
Petra Košťálová, “I became a stranger to my brothers”: the Armenian traveller Simon of Poland and his lamentations
Lukáš de la Vega Nosek, Theodoros Abu Qurra: The Rejection of Manichaean Ethics: A Preliminary Translation of Part II of the Treatise on Freedom (Majmar fí al-hurríja)
Georgij P. Fedotov, Carmen saeculare (Czech translation by M. Siažik)
Anna Tozzi Di Marco, Agiografia e culto dei Sette Dormienti. Storicità e processi di mitologizzazione dell’agiostoria efesina nel Mediterraneo (Lukáš de la Vega Nosek)
Salam Rassi, Christian Thought in the Medieval Islamicate World: ʿAbdīshōʿ of Nisibis and the Apologetic Tradition (Lukáš de la Vega Nosek)
THOMAS LATINUS – THOMAS GRAECUS: Ο Θωμάς Ακυινάτης και η πρόσληψή του στο Βυζάντιο (Pavel Milko)
Abp. Jerzy (Pańkowski), Misterium metanoi i spowiedzi (Pavel Milko)
Karol Marián Pástor, Ján z Dalyathy a jeho mníšska cesta k tajomstvu lásky (Václav Ventura)
Joseph Yacoub, Claire Yacoub, Martyrs par amour en Perse: Mgr Sontag et ses trois compagnons (Michal Řoutil)
Miljenko Domijan, Armenia sacra: Hodočašće sakralnoj arhitekturi (Michal Řoutil)
ʿAmr ibn Mattā al-Ṭīrhānī (XIs), Il Libro della Torre (Kitāb al-Miǧdal) (Lukáš de la Vega Nosek)
Wafik Nasry, Vi ho chiamato amici. Elementi di spiritualità arabo-cristiana – I have called you friends: Elements of Arab-Christian Spirituality (Lukáš de la Vega Nosek)
Josef Wünsch, K pramenům Eufratu a Tigridu: Český cestovatel v Arménii a Kurdistánu (1881–1883) (Petra Košťálová)
Language | Czech, English, English summary |
Issued | 2023 |
ISSN | 1802-8209 |
ISBN | 978-80-7465-632-3 |