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Series Pro Oriente

V horách Kurdistánu, na pláních Urmie

Syrští křesťané a západní misie, 1835–1930

Author: Michal Řoutil

The monograph "In the mountains of Kurdistan, on the plains of Urmiah: The Syriac Christians and Western missions, 1835–1930" represents the first attempt worldwide to analyze the impact of all the Western missionaries on the life of the Syriac Christians of Ottoman Kurdistan and Persian Azerbaijan. The American "Board of Presbyterian Missions in Boston", the British "Archbishop of Canterbury's Assyrian Mission", the Russian "Orthodox Urmiahʼs mission", the German "Orient-Mission" and "Hermannsburger Mission", and French and Swedish missionaries all exerted  considerable efforts to improve the status, education system and healthcare of local Syriac Christians. The book also describes the horrible time of genocide in the year 1915, and the impact of this frightful act on the missions. The Appendix contains a bio-bibliography of  distinguished Syriac scholars and orientalists and of students at the mission schools.

Michal Řoutil (b. 1973) was educated at the Philosophical Faculty of the Charles University in Prague (Institute of Slavonic and East European Studies). His principal field of research is Russian medieval culture, the schism within the Russian Orthodox Church of the 17th century and the Old Believers’ movement. At the Catholic Theological Faculty of the same university he studies the Syriac language, and is the author of articles in the field of the Syriac studies. M. Řoutil is founder and editor-in-chief of the series Pro Oriente: The Heritage of the Christian East and co-editor-in-chief of the annual Parrésia: A Journal of Eastern Christian Studies.

Series Pro Oriente

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