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Published | Parrésia - Ročenka pro východní křesťanství

Series Pro Oriente

Athenagoras of Athens: Embassy for the Christians - the first Czech translation

Translated by Monika Recinová

The monograph presents the first Czech translation of Athenagoras of Athens’ “Legatio pro Christianis”, which is based on the latest edition by Bernard Pouderon (Athenagore, Supplique au sujet des chrétiens et Sur la résurrection des morts, SC 379, Paris 1992). The Greek text was also adopted from this edition. A critical apparatus is not included.

The translation is accompanied by an original commentary, based on a study of older available commentaries on Athenagoras’ “Embassy for the Christians”, and the primary and secondary literature included in the bibliography at the end of the monograph. The primary aim of the comprehensive commentary is to point to models for Athenagoras’ ideas in ancient, Hellenistic-Jewish and early Christian literature, and to place the thinking of this early Greek apologist into the context of both later patristic thinking and modern research.

LanguageCzech (English summary)
Product dimensions145 x 205 mm

Monika Recinová works on patristic literature and translates from Greek and Latin.

Series Pro Oriente

Just published
