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Published | Parrésia - Ročenka pro východní křesťanství

Series Pro Oriente

Peri Pascha (On Pascha)

Author: Melito of Sardis
Introduction, Translation and Commentary by Monika Recinová

The present book, “Peri Pascha” (On Pascha) by Melito of Sardis (c. 170 AD) contains an introductory essay, a new Czech translation of Melitoʼs text and a comprehensive commentary. The bilingual edition of  “On Pascha” is based on the most recent edition of this text, by S. G. Hall (Oxford 1979). The principal aim of the introductory essay and commentary is to outline, as far as possible, a consensual view on Melito of Sardis and his rediscovered text “On Pascha“, and to present contemporary Melitonian research. The introductory essay discusses not only the theological questions associated with Melitoʼs text but also its wider context, represented by contemporary Judaism, Christian heterodox and Gnostic streams, Hellenistic culture and mystery religions.

LanguageCzech (with bilingual Czech/Greek text and English summary)
Vázaná196 pages
Product dimensions145 x 210 mm

Monika Recinová works on patristic literature and translates from Greek and Latin.

Series Pro Oriente

Just published
